79,00 €
+ 12,49 € Versand

Pokemon Moon 3DS Game

Pokemon Moon 3DS Game

Preis: 79,00 €
Verkauft von: IYMO
79,00 €
+ 12,49 € Versand

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Following in the tradition of previous games in the Pokemon series, players choose one of three special Pokemon to be their first partner. These are among the first Pokemon players will encounter in the game. In Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, players will be able to choose between the newly discovered Grass- and Flying-type Pokemon Rowlet, Fire-type Litten, and Water-type Popplio. For a Pokemon Trainer, knowing the Pokemon types and how they match up against one another in battle is vital. Grass-type Pokemon are strong against Water types, but weak against Fire types. Fire-type Pokemon are strong against Grass types and weak against Water types. And Water-type Pokemon are strong against Fire types, but weak against Grass types.
  • Fruugo-ID: 328925535-726372435
  • EAN: 0045496473518

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