G.I. JOE Mission Critical Cobra Ascendant Expansion Pack For Board Game

69,00 €
+ 15,49 € Versand

G.I. JOE Mission Critical Cobra Ascendant Expansion Pack For Board Game

G.I. JOE Mission Critical Cobra Ascendant Expansion Pack For Board Game

Preis: 69,00 €
Verkauft von: IYMO
69,00 €
+ 15,49 € Versand

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The Serpent Rises Gather your team and prepare for battle Cobra is on the move, and this time they're led by the sinister Serpentor. You'll also face the unrelenting one-two punch of the twins Xamot and Tomax.But, hope is not lost Youll be joined by the explosive firepower of Bazooka and Rockn Roll, as well as all new vehicles to add to your arsenal.This is an expansion. G.I. JOE Mission Critical is required to play.
  • Fruugo-ID: 327685253-724002515
  • EAN: 0810011726390

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Adresse: 8 Shetland Close, Birmingham, B16 0RF, Vereinigtes Königreich
Virtuelles Einzelhändlernetz des Händlers: GB296231390
Unternehmensnummer: 11378400
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