Darkstar Retinue: A Song Of Ice & Fire Expansion Pack.

27,95 €
+ 15,49 € Versand

Darkstar Retinue: A Song Of Ice & Fire Expansion Pack.

Darkstar Retinue: A Song Of Ice & Fire Expansion Pack.

Preis: 27,95 €
Verkauft von: IYMO
27,95 €
+ 15,49 € Versand

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Ser Gerold Daynes personal guard has no formal name but are simply known as Darkstar Retinue. They clothe and armour themselves in the manner of their lord and follow in his footsteps in both manner and fighting style. Theyre best employed on flanks and far from other units. There they wait patiently for their moment, then dash forward to strike like vipers, inflicting heavy casualties and sowing panic. They can remain in the fight to finish off what few opponents remain or retreat to the flanks to await their moment again. In their element theyre a fearsome, deadly force that only a foolish enemy would ignore.
  • Fruugo-ID: 325586974-720905254
  • EAN: 0889696014078

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