Battle of Wolf 359 Star Trek Away Missions Core Set

74,00 €
+ 18,49 € Versand

Battle of Wolf 359 Star Trek Away Missions Core Set

Battle of Wolf 359 Star Trek Away Missions Core Set

Preis: 74,00 €
Verkauft von: IYMO
74,00 €
+ 18,49 € Versand

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In Star Trek: Away Missions, players will lead their own landing parties to complete missions, conduct espionage, fight in glorious battle, or assimilate distinctiveness. The objective is to score points by completing missions over the three rounds. Each completed mission earns you points. Score the most points to win the game Each member of your away team is represented by a figure that will move about the board to complete missions with an associated card that describes that characters strengths, skills, and other important characteristics including which away team they belong to Battle of Wolf 359 contains two teams: Rikers Away Team of the Federation, and Locutuss Unimatrix of the Borg.
  • Fruugo-ID: 325587145-720905423
  • EAN: 9781638840596

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Adresse: 8 Shetland Close, Birmingham, B16 0RF, Vereinigtes Königreich
Virtuelles Einzelhändlernetz des Händlers: GB296231390
Unternehmensnummer: 11378400
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