4 Pack PLant PuLLey RetractabLe PLant Hook PuLLey AdjuStabLe PLant Hanger Hanging FLower BaSket For

21,95 €
+ 13,99 € Versand

4 Pack PLant PuLLey RetractabLe PLant Hook PuLLey AdjuStabLe PLant Hanger Hanging FLower BaSket For

  • Marke: Unbranded

4 Pack PLant PuLLey RetractabLe PLant Hook PuLLey AdjuStabLe PLant Hanger Hanging FLower BaSket For

  • Marke: Unbranded
UPE: 74,00 €
Preis: 21,95 €
Sie sparen: 52,05 € (70%)
Verkauft von: Yuyu E-commerce
21,95 €
+ 13,99 € Versand

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VALUE PACKAGE: You wiLL receive 4 pack pLant hookS hanger, You wiLL water pLantS and feed birdS Much eaSier and More iMportant, Safer. HeLp you SaveS Space. STURDY & DURABLE MATERIAL Made of Strong nyLon rope, StainLeSS SteeL Mountaineering buckLe and high quaLity pLaStic SheLL. Load capacity froM 1kg to 15kg. Sturdy and StabLe.RetractabLe PLant HookS Hanger: The MaxiMuM extenSion Length of nyLon Strap iS 29.3" which can Lock the anywhere you need. You can raiSe and Lower hanging pLantS and baSketS 0Ly. WIDE USES - SuitabLe for uSe in your hoMe, kitchen, baLcony or faMiLy rooM. Perfect for hoLding decorative pLanterS, bird cage, feederS, decorative hanging baSketS and More. WARMEST AFTER-SERVICE: There iS a fLexibLe internaL Spring in the device, and the rope MuSt be puLLed SLowLy to get Stuck in the inSide poSition. We purSue to offer you the beSt product and Service. FeeL 0 to contact uS when you have any queStion. We wiLL handLe your iSSue aS Soon aS poSSibLeOur productS are Made with the higheSt quaLity MateriaLS and are deSigned to provide you with the beSt poSSibLe uSer experience. We Strive to Ship out aLL orderS within three dayS of purchaSe, and the eStiMated deLivery tiMe iS 8-15 dayS.When Shopping, pLeaSe pay attention to the Size and diMenSionS of the product to enSure that it MeetS your needS. In the titLe and , we have provided detaiLed inforMation about the product, incLuding itS featureS and SpecificationSWe want you to be coMpLeteLy SatiSfied with your purchaSe, So if you have any queStionS or concernS, pLeaSe don't heSitate to contact uS. We are here to heLp and wiLL do our beSt to aSSiSt you.Thank you for chooSing our product. We hope you enjoy it
  • Fruugo-ID: 320795388-711992810
  • EAN: 6922040320990


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