1815 Scum of the Earth (1st print) Board Game

59,00 €
+ 15,49 € Versand

1815 Scum of the Earth (1st print) Board Game

1815 Scum of the Earth (1st print) Board Game

Preis: 59,00 €
Verkauft von: IYMO
59,00 €
+ 15,49 € Versand

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An asymmetric, competitive, tactical card game. Deeply thematic, but richly and lovingly researched, 1815, Scum of the Earth presents the Battle of Waterloo as you've never seen it before.
  • Fruugo-ID: 327667203-723976269
  • EAN: 5060716160011

Lieferung und Rückgaben


Adresse: 8 Shetland Close, Birmingham, B16 0RF, Vereinigtes Königreich
Virtuelles Einzelhändlernetz des Händlers: GB296231390
Unternehmensnummer: 11378400
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